Dr. Şölen Kıratlı is an artist, architect, researcher, and educator. Currently, she is an adjunct professor at the Visual Arts Department, University of California San Diego. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Media Arts and Technology (University of California, Santa Barbara), and an M.Arch degree (University of Southern California). Her work is interdisciplinary and deals with issues of agency and digital technology—including machinic, organic, and hybrid agents—from a post-humanistic stance. In her artwork, she uses a variety of media, including sound and digital audio, interactive and physical computing, machine learning and robotics, and digital design and fabrication.
Dr. Kıratlı’s work has been exhibited internationally at venues such as SIGGRAPH Art Gallery, International Symposium for Electronic Arts (ISEA), CURRENTS New Media, Contemporary Istanbul, IEEE VIS Art Program, ACM Multimedia Art Gallery, and NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression), amongst many others. She is the recipient of several awards from renowned institutions, including SIGGRAPH (“Best in Show” award, 2020) and Fundación Telefónica (VIDA 13.0, Artistic Production Incentives). Her work was recently nominated for the New Technological Art Award (NTAA) 2022, chosen from 836 candidates representing 72 nationalities worldwide. She has also served as a reviewer for several notable conferences, exhibitions, and thesis presentations, including SIGGRAPH Art Gallery and UCLA M.Sc Program in Architecture and Urban Design.
Dr. Kıratlı has a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in architecture and worked on several architectural projects in Los Angeles, California, prior to her current artistic and research practices in digital media arts and technologies.
NTAA - New Technological Art Award (Nominated, forthcoming)
Liedts-Meesen Foundation, Belgium, 2022
SIGGRAPH Art Gallery “Best in Show “Award
Visual, Performing, and Media Arts Awards
Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, University of California Humanities Network, 2012
California-Centric Embedded Arts Research Grant in Social Ecologies
UCIRA (University of California Institute for Research in the Arts), 2011
Artistic Production Incentives Grant, Vida 13.0
Fundación Telefónica, Spain, 2010
NTAA (New Technological Art Award) - International Art Exhibition for New Technology
Ghent, Belgium, 2022 (juried 2% acceptance)
Cacophonic Choir (Collaboration with H.Wolfe and A.Bundy)
xCoAx (Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X) - Art Gallery
Graz, Austria, & virtual (due to the pandemic), 2021
Cacophonic Choir (Collaboration with H.Wolfe and A.Bundy)
NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) - Art Gallery
Shanghai, China, & virtual (due to the pandemic), 2021
Cacophonic Choir (Collaboration with H.Wolfe and A.Bundy)
ISEA (International Symposium for Electronic Arts) - Art Gallery
Montreal, Canada (originally scheduled) & virtual (due to pandemic), 2020
HIVE (Collaboration with A. Cadambi)
IEEE VISAP (Visual Arts Program) - Art Gallery
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (originally scheduled), & virtual, 2020
Cacophonic Choir (Collaboration with H.Wolfe and A.Bundy)
ACM SIGGRAPH - Art Gallery
Washington D.C., USA (originally scheduled), & virtual, 2020
Cacophonic Choir (Collaboration with H.Wolfe and A.Bundy)
Contemporary Istanbul / Plug-in “RW. [material]”
Istanbul, Turkey, 2019
Cacophonic Choir (Collaboration with H.Wolfe and A.Bundy)
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 2018
HIVE (Collaboration with A. Cadambi)
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia - Art Gallery
Bangkok, Thailand, 2017
HIVE (Collaboration with A. Cadambi)
Santa Barbara Center for Art, Science, & Technology
Santa Barbara, California, USA, 2016
HIVE (Collaboration with A. Cadambi)
“White Noise” Media Arts and Technology End of the Year Show
Santa Barbara, California, USA, 2016
HIVE (Collaboration with A. Cadambi)
ACM Multimedia - Art Gallery: “Eternal/Moment”
Nara, Japan, 2012
The New Dunites (Collaboration with A. Burbano and D. Bazo)
Allosphere New Media & Research Facility, California Nanosystems Institute
Santa Barbara, California, USA, 2012
The New Dunites (Collaboration with A. Burbano and D. Bazo)
Digital Futures
“New Media Architectures: A Vision for Change in the Arts, Design, & Sciences Panel”
Invited panel, virtual, 2021
York University, Digital Media Program
“Sounding Agents---a praxis of embodied and technologically mediated voices”
Invited seminar, virtual, 2021
ACM SIGGRAPH Spotlight Podcast
“Art in the Age of Tik Tok”
Invited podcast (episode 41), 2021
xCoAx (Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X)
“Cacophonic Choir: An Interactive Installation”
Conference presentation, virtual, 2021
NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression)
“Cacophonic Choir”
Conference presentation, virtual , 2021
“Cacophonic Choir: an interactive art installation embodying the voices of sexual assault survivors”
Conference presentation, virtual , 2020
IEEE VISAP (Visual Arts Program)
“Cacophonic Choir”
Conference presentation, virtual, 2020
Tokyo University of Arts & University of the Arts London (UAL)
Conference presentation, Tokyo, Japan, 2019
“Explorations in Sonic Intelligence”
Artist talk, Bangkok, Thailand, 2017
NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression)
“HIVE: An interactive sculpture for musical expression”
Poster presentation, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017
Media Arts & Technology Seminar Series
“The New Dunites”
Seminar presentation, Santa Barbara, California, USA, 2012
(* denotes equal contribution)
Ş. Kiratli*, H. E. Wolfe*, and A. Bundy, Cacophonic Choir: An Interactive Art Installation Embodying the Voices of Sexual Assault Survivors, Leonardo 53 (July, 2020) 446-450. Publisher: MIT Press. ISSN: 0024-094X
Ş. Kiratli*, H. E. Wolfe*, and A. Bundy, Cacophonic Choir:An Interactive Installation, in Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X, xCoAx ‘21 (July, 2021) 510-516. Publisher: i2ADS (Research Institute in Art, Design and Society). ISBN: 978-989-9049-06-2
H. E. Wolfe*, Ş. Kiratli*, and A. Bundy, Cacophonic Choir, in International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME ‘21 (May, 2021). Publisher: PubPub.
H. Wolfe*, Ş. Kiratli*, and A. Bundy, Cacophonic Choir, in Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH ‘20, SIGGRAPH Art Gallery (August, 2020) 457. Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN: 9781450379526.
Ş. Kıratlı, A. Cadambi, and Y. Visell, HIVE: An Interactive Sculpture for Musical Expression, in Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME ‘17 (May, 2017) 267-270. Publisher: Aalborg University Copenhagen. ISSN: 2220-4806
A. Burbano Valdes, D. Bazo, Ş. Kıratlı DiCicco, A. Forbes, The New Dunites, in Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Multimedia, ACM MultiMedia ‘12 (October, 2012) 1501-1502. Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN: 978-1-4503-1089-5
[Selected Printed and Digital Media Coverage]
“Mirror: Art and the Internet in LA 1969+” (Featured artist at forthcoming online platform featuring Los Angeles based artists)
“Cacophonic Choir”, DiVA online journal, Society of Art and Science Publication, Vol.50, 2021, pp.21-22
“Cacophonic Choir, outside the choir”, Neural Magazine, Issue #67 “Adversarial Tactics”, fall 2020
“AI-driven Cacophonic Choir amplifies voices of sexual assault survivors”, CNET, Leslie Katz, 08.2020
“SIGGRAPH 2020 : Cacophonic Choir, une oeuvre artistique dans le sillage de #MeToo”, 3DVF, by Shadows, 08.2020
“’Cacophonic Choir’, the Sounds of Survivors’ Stories”, ACM SIGGRAPH Blog, 06.2020
“Explore the Year’s Most Innovative Digital Art Projects, Research via Virtual SIGGRAPH 2020 Exhibit”, Businesswire
“2020 in Review: 10 AI-Powered Art Projects”, Synced, 12.2020
“Sonic symphony: Sölen Kıratlı and Akshay Cadambi's HIVE”, by M.W. Simpson, in Pasatiempo, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 8, 2018
“On the intricacies of Hollywood archaeology”, by J. McNeil, Wired Magazine (UK edition), August 2012 issue, pp 76-77, 08.2012